Our thinking

Sharing solutions for futureproofing the skills pipeline
Today, nearly a third of all job vacancies in the UK are a result of skills shortages, and this could translate into losses of around £39 billion in our economy every year if not addressed. But the economy isn’t the only thing that suffers. Skills gaps are a huge social issue, too.

Studio You Live Broadcast Event: Changing the way girls see PE
A recap of our livestreamed event, working to inspire and empower girls to get active and have fun.

How healthcare brands can deliver meaningful social impact
Last month, Elizabeth Shearing Green and Jasmine Kubski led the keynote at the PRWeek PharmaComms Conference to discuss why health inequality is an area where healthcare brands are uniquely positioned to make lasting, positive impact.

Youthful Insights: Sustainability and the future world of work
As part of our audience-led approach, we wanted to find out more about what young people really think about sustainability issues and how this influences their choices and attitudes towards careers.

Ambassadors scheme key to boosting climate understanding
On 29th November, our event ‘Discover Your Path to Impact’ brought together Kate McGoey (Head of Barclays LifeSkills), Deborah Clark (Sustainability Director – Thriving Communities at The Crown Estate), and Jas Kubski (Hopscotch) to discuss how brands can embed meaningful social impact in their organisational strategies.

What do brands need to do to have sustainable social impact?
On 29th November, our event ‘Discover Your Path to Impact’ brought together Kate McGoey (Head of Barclays LifeSkills), Deborah Clark (Sustainability Director – Thriving Communities at The Crown Estate), and Jas Kubski (Hopscotch) to discuss how brands can embed meaningful social impact in their organisational strategies.

Finding your path to impact
Every day, Hopscotch’s work puts us at the intersection of social need and our clients’ purpose. Our job is to find the common ground, uncovering where and how our clients can, and should, act. The priorities coming out of the WEF report can act as a compass, pointing us towards what young audiences care about. That’s where, as social impact professionals, the real work starts. Digging deep into the insight, using our expertise and engaging stakeholders to map out opportunities to make a difference.
But finding your path to impact is more than knowing where you’re going, it’s also knowing why you’re headed there.

The skills needed to prepare young people for an AI led future
In the last week, the government has released a number of announcements furthering their ambition to make the UK a world leader in artificial intelligence policy.
As part of the government’s wider work to make the most out of the technology, the Education Secretary Gillian Keegan revealed the launch of a new Digital and Computing Skills Education Taskforce, which is actively calling for evidence from anyone working in education to help gather insight on how generative AI is being used in schools, colleges and universities, and how it could be used to support the sector in the future.
But what does AI mean for education and skills? And are current notions of ‘digital skills’ fit for purpose in a world where students can call up AI to help with their homework?

How to promote a culture of positive mental health in schools
Mental health awareness has become a crucial aspect of education. With one in six children aged five to 16 identified as having a probable mental health problem in July 2021, a huge increase from one in nine in 2017, it’s a problem on the up. So, in honour of Mental Health Awareness month, we wanted to share some of the most effective ways in which educators and schools can help nurture positive mental health in the classroom.

Studio You wins Sport Industry Award
We’re proud to share that Studio You, our campaign to ensure every girl, regardless of background or ability, can enjoy PE, scooped the Active and Wellbeing Award at the 2023 Sport Industry Awards.

How brands can supercharge their social impact by investing in Early Years education
There is a huge body of evidence showing that the earliest years of a child's development are most important for their future success, linked to vital health, wellbeing and employment outcomes.
Our education strategist Alex summarised some of the key opportunities in our new blog. The brave brands who are first to step into this space can have a truly transformative impact - and at Hopscotch, we're ready and waiting to support you on this journey.

Investing in healthy futures
The DfE's recent State of the nation 2022: children and young people’s wellbeing report highlighted the scale of the public health challenge facing primary age children, with 23% of those in Year 6 now considered obese. At Hopscotch, we believe brands have an important role helping reimagine children's healthy lives.

How brands can create social impact with young people in the new school year
Hopscotch capped off the last school year with a visit to the Festival of Education. After a year in which we ran the UK Space Agency’s Logo Lift Off competition, designed Network Rail’s ‘Switched On’ rail safety programme, and launched Studio You to inspire girls to stay active, it was a great opportunity for the team to reflect on another busy year in the sector.

Encouraging young girls to Move together with Nuffield Health
According to Women in Sport, 37% of girls only do sport and physical activity in school PE (compared with 27% of boys)*. To help combat this, we’re thrilled to be working with Nuffield Health, the UK’s largest healthcare charity, to help launch their Move together programme - offering fun, inclusive and free exercise classes for 11-16 year olds in over 100 sites across the UK.
Five things we learned from our event, ‘fighting for a new deal for young people’
On 6 July, our event ‘Fighting for a New Deal for Young People’ brought together Saeed Atcha (CEO of Youth Leads), Michelle Rea (Head of Communications - Education at Gatsby Foundation) and Kate McGoey (Head of Barclays LifeSkills) to discuss why the time is here for businesses to play their part in a cross society drive to support skills development.

Hopscotch is teaming up with Women in Sport to develop its new ‘Big Sister’ initiative
We’re excited to be working on a new project with Women in Sport, and their consortium partners; Places Foundations, Places Leisure and Hey Girls, to encourage teenage girls to re-engage with physical activity. At Hopscotch, this is a topic we’ve been committed to through our work with Sport England on Studio You and we’re looking forward to exploring a new way to support girls in getting active through creating an inclusive, positive and encouraging space for them.

Sport England Partnership: This Girl Can Campaign
A really exciting article on Hopscotch’s partnership with Sport England features in The Drum.

Perspectives on inclusive content creation: Designing with accessibility in mind from the start
We’re always challenging ourselves to think about what more we could do to make sure we engage a range of learners. So, we’ve spoken to a range of experts to find out more about how they create inclusive and accessible content. For blog number three, Stacy and Adam Drake, who work in school and hospital education settings, share the importance of ensuring accessible design isn’t an afterthought.