The Careers & Enterprise Company

Talking Futures

Kick-starting the careers conversation

The Gatsby Foundation believes that ‘good career guidance is a necessity for social mobility: those young people without significant social capital or home support to draw upon have the most to gain from high-quality career guidance’.

A parent and their child with a teacher

Hopscotch was appointed by the foundation in January 2020 to develop and test a programme to engage parents, carers and guardians in their children’s career decision-making, before The Careers & Enterprise Company took the initiative on.

Using high quality academic and market research – in collaboration with careers specialists, educators, young people and parents – a pilot programme was created. That insight led to the creation of ‘Talking Futures’, designed to support conversations between parents and pupils around careers and education choices.

The output of that work was a set of ‘good parental engagement’ principles for schools and colleges and the production of a range of 11 activities for educators to enable them to meet these principles.

For this project, Hopscotch was the lead agency in a consortium of partners, including Four Communications, Chrysalis Research and The Bureau (digital specialists).

A teacher talking with two students