NHS Health Careers

Step into the NHS

Inspiring the next generation of NHS staff

Did you know that there are over 350 careers in the NHS? With hundreds of different roles, from drama therapists and radiographers to carpenters and technicians, it’s not just male doctors and female nurses. With one in 40 people working for the NHS in England, they wanted to encourage young people to think about the breadth of opportunities open to them in the world of work, with jobs to suit everyone no matter what their interest or skills are.

We created an exciting primary and secondary school initiative called ‘Step into the NHS’, which was aimed at inspiring the next generation of NHS staff, exposing them to the hugely varied range of careers which fall under the UK’s biggest employer. The annual competition helped raise children’s ambitions, challenge stereotyping and put learning into context for the future.

Our multi-staged resources allowed pupils to explore a wide range of careers and help them better understand that all NHS careers are open to them, whatever their gender or background, with ready-made lesson plans, resources and a competition to produce a creative way to say thank you to NHS staff at KS2, or create an advert for an NHS career that interests them at KS3.

All culminating in a virtual ”Winner’s Day’ final, where 10 shortlisted regional teams for each competition presented their creative ideas to a panel of judges for the chance to be crowned national winner.


The Crown Estate x Minecraft


Network Rail